Saturday, September 17, 2011


THE FAIRBROTHERS, GROWN OLD, SPEND ALL THEIR TIME AT HOME, A WANTON PAIR THEY WERE FIFTY YEARS AGO! ( MY AUNT JULIA, her hair of palest oak, has gone to SILVER now, (MY UNCLE PATSEY for years a vital man, ARTHRITIS brought him down. (I have memories of the two, (MY AUNT JULIA, with (WISPS of silver hair pinned neatly beneath a HAIR NET, and beige thick nylons  with a BLUE APRON string tied round her waist.) ALWAYS preparing a meal! (SHE never let anyone leave without sitting down , having a meal @ her table. (MY UNCLE PATSEY, blind in one eye, hunched over from arthritis, suspenders holding up his worn pants, would make his daily trip up the winding hill to fetch, his bossey COW!!That's what he called out!! (COME BOSS!  BOSS!! and the two would follow one another down the winding path to the barn, where he would sit on a 3 legged MILKING STOOL. after he'd enjoy an afternoon hooker, before SUPPER! hooker a TERM for SHOT of WHISKEY!! (THE COUPLE TWO OLD FOR ESCAPADES., they're somehow closer now.(SITTING AT A TABLE TOGETHER , not much conversation at all.!!!!   (MY MEMORIZES OF LONG AGO!!!!!!!

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